Thursday, July 2, 2009


So it turns out my move-in date is September 1, which means I have 7 or 8 weeks left in Maryland. I plan to put in my two weeks notice in the next couple weeks so I'll be able to enjoy my last days in Maryland with my parents and my friends.

I'm pretty concerned about the whole parking situation. I plan to drive my s40 all the way to Los Angeles with the help of my cousin Patrick, so it would suck immensely if for some reason I am not given parking. The thing is, we are not allowed to apply for parking until our move-in date. By that time, I will have already driven ~3000 miles so... yeah. I called university housing yesterday about the possibility of my parking app being rejected and the guy told me that parking is not guaranteed, but it hasn't been a problem in the past. Great. I hope it works out or else I wouldn't know what the heck to do. I'd probably be forced to subject my car to public parking for a couple days while I work to get it shipped back to Maryland.

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