Friday, November 27, 2009

thanksgiving 2009

I know Thanksgiving ended hours ago (even on the west coast) but I thought I'd write an entry for it. I ended up staying in Los Angeles because winter break is two weeks from Saturday (which also means finals are coming up wayyyy too soon, ugh) so I thought it wouldn't really be worth the effort, time, or money to see my parents in MD for 3 days, come back to LA for two weeks, and then stay with them again in MD for three weeks.

Luckily for me, I didn't spend the holiday alone because Eric invited everybody in our program to a potluck dinner at his place. Allen and I made mashed potatoes and ohh boy.. did we look like assholes. First, Sean also brought mashed potatoes, and in a larger quantity and perhaps a higher quality, but I don't know since I didn't try it. Second, Katie made the best mashed SWEET potatoes I have ever had (or maybe I've never had sweet potatoes mashed.. but whatever it was awesome). She also made a wonderful pumpkin pie ... FROM SCRATCH. I guess our mashed potatoes were from scratch too but we didn't have to gut a whole fresh pumpkin to make it. And third, everybody else's dishes owned our mashed potatoes. Except for Richard's fish sticks.

Anyway, the food was fantastic and I really enjoyed spending more time with classmates especially away from the context of school (although we did end up talking about economics. Then we decided to call it a night.)

I am thankful for many things in my life. Here's a short list:
1) I'm really glad to be in Los Angeles. I'd lived all 22 years of my life in Maryland, so the change in scenery was definitely welcome.
2) I was able to overcome the mysterious illness that struck me sophomore year. When it first happened, I thought it was devastating to my quality of life, but it's been more than 2 years, and I can say that it hasn't held me back, especially academically. I may write about this in the future.
3) I'm thankful my cat isn't dead. I will also write a post about this.

The promised posts will likely come after my exams are over. Anyway, I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving.

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